Summary of penalties

Officials' signals (see pages 225 - 227), the numbers refer to numbered illustrations; R, Rule; S, Section; A, Article; P, Page. Where a signal is marked *, the referee shall also give Signal 9.

Index O R S A P
1 Illegal scrimmage kick 31* 6 3 10 123
2 Illegally handing ball forward 35* 7 1 6 136
3 Planned loose ball play 19* 7 1 7 137
4 Intentionally throwing backward pass out of bounds 35* 7 2 1 137
5 Illegal forward pass by Team A 35* 7 3 2 138
6 Intentionally grounding forward pass 36* 7 3 2 139
7 Forward pass illegally touched by player out of bounds 16* 7 3 4 140
8 Forward pass illegally touched 16* 7 3 11 147
9 Illegally batting loose ball 31* 9 4 1 179
10 Illegally kicking ball 31* 9 4 4 180
1 Alteration of playing surface for an advantage 19 1 2 9 50
2 Improper numbering 23 1 4 2 53
3 Coin toss infractions 19 3 1 1 82
4 Illegal delay of game 21 3 4 2 98
5 Advancing a dead ball 21 3 4 2 98
6 Disconcerting offensive signals 21 3 4 2 98
7 Substitution rules infraction (live-ball) 22 3 5 2 101
8 Substitution rules infraction (dead-ball) 22 3 5 2 102
9 Delay of game (substitutions) 21 3 5 2 102
10 More than 11 players in the formation or during the play (Team A) 22 3 5 3 103
11 More than 11 players in the formation or during the play (Team B) 22 3 5 3 103
12 More than 11 players when the play clock expires 22 3 5 3 103
13 Putting ball in play before it is ready 19 4 1 4 109
14 Exceeding play clock count 21 4 1 5 109
15 Infraction of free kick formation 18, 19 6 1 2 115
16 Infraction of free kick formation 18, 19 6 1 2 116
17 Player out of bounds when ball free-kicked 19 6 1 2 116
18 Team A player illegally goes out of bounds (free kick) 19 6 1 11 119
19 Team A blocking during a free kick 19 6 1 12 119
20 Free kick out of bounds 19 6 2 1 119
21 Return kick 31 6 3 10 123
22 Illegal scrimmage kick (also loss of down) 31* 6 3 10 123
23 Marking spot of place kick 19 6 3 10 123
24 Team A player illegally goes out of bounds (scrimmage kick) 19 6 3 12 124
25 Defensive linemen in field goal formation 19 6 3 14 125
26 Taking more than two steps after a fair catch 21 6 5 2 128
27 Illegal snap 19 7 1 1 131
28 Snapper's position and ball adjustment 19 7 1 3 132
29 Team A not within nine-yard marks after ready for play 19 7 1 3 132
30 Encroachment (offense) at snap 19 7 1 3 132
31 False start or simulating start of a play 19 7 1 3 132
32 Player out of bounds when ball is snapped 19 7 1 4 134
33 Offensive player illegally in motion at the snap 20 7 1 4 134
34 Illegal formation 19 7 1 4 134
35 Illegal formation due to numbering exception 19 7 1 4 134
36 Illegal shift 20 7 1 4 134
37 Interference with opponent or ball 18 7 1 5 135
38 Defensive player charging unabated toward a back 18 7 1 5 135
39 Abrupt defensive actions 21 7 1 5 135
40 Offside (defense) 18 7 1 5 136
41 Defensive player out of bounds at snap 19 7 1 5 136
42 Illegally handing ball forward (also loss of down) 35* 7 1 6 136
43 Planned loose ball play (also loss of down) 19* 7 1 7 137
44 Intentionally throwing backward pass out of bounds (also loss of down) 35* 7 2 1 137
45 Player on scrimmage line receiving snap 19 7 2 3 137
46 Illegal forward pass by Team A (also loss of down) 35* 7 3 2 138
47 Ineligible receiver downfield 37 7 3 10 146
48 Forward pass illegally touched (also loss of down) 16* 7 3 11 147
49 Running into the kicker or holder 30 9 1 16 167
50 Game administration interference (also 15 yards) 21,29 9 2 5 174
51 Interlocked interference or helping ball carrier 44 9 3 2 176
1 Home team delay 21 3 4 1 98
2 Illegal block by fair catch signaller 40 6 5 4 129
3 Illegal use of hands or arms (offense) 42 9 3 3 176
4 Holding or obstruction (offense) 42 9 3 3 176
5 Locked hands 42 9 3 3 176
6 Illegal use of hands (defense) (first down) 42 9 3 4 177
7 Holding or obstruction (defense) (first down) 42 9 3 4 178
8 Illegal block in the back 43 9 3 5 178
9 Illegally batting loose ball (also loss of down) 31* 9 4 1 179
10 Illegally batting a backward pass 31 9 4 2 180
11 Batting a ball in possession by player in possession 31 9 4 3 180
12 Illegally kicking ball (also loss of down) 31* 9 4 4 180
1 Marking ball 27 1 3 3 52
2 Numbers changed (also disqualification) 27 1 4 2 53
3 Illegal signal devices (also disqualification) 27, 47 1 4 10 59
4 Eavesdropping (also disqualification) 27, 47 1 4 13 61
5 Team not ready to play at start of either half 21 3 4 1 98
6 Rapid substitution to opponent's disadvantage 27 3 5 2 102
7 Blocking a free kicker 40 6 1 9 118
8 Illegal wedge 27 6 1 10 119
9 Interference with opportunity to catch kick 33 6 4 1 126
10 Tackling or blocking fair catcher 38 6 5 5 130
11 Offensive pass interference 33 7 3 8 143
12 Defensive pass interference (first down) 33 7 3 8 144
13 Personal foul (first down) 38 9 1 0 158
14 Striking an opponent (first down) 38 9 1 2 158
15 Tripping (first down) 46 9 1 2 158
16 Targeting/forcible contact with crown of helmet (first down) (also disqualification) 24, 38, 47 9 1 3 159
17 Forcible contact to head/neck area of a defenseless player (first down) (also disqualification) 24, 38, 47 9 1 4 159
18 Clipping (first down) 39 9 1 5 161
19 Blocking below the waist (first down) 40 9 1 6 161
20 Late hit (first down) 38 9 1 7 163
21 Action out of bounds (first down) 38 9 1 7 163
22 Helmet/face mask fouls (first down) 38, 45 9 1 8 163
23 Roughing the passer (first down) 34 9 1 9 164
24 Chop blocking (first down) 41 9 1 10 164
25 Leverage/Leaping (first down) 38 9 1 11 165
26 Defensive restrictions 27 9 1 11 165
27 Fouling an opponent obviously out of the play (first down) 38 9 1 12 165
28 Hurdling (first down) 38 9 1 13 165
29 Illegal contact against the snapper (first down) 38 9 1 14 166
30 Horse-collar tackle (first down) 25, 38 9 1 15 166
31 Roughing the kicker or holder (first down) 30, 38 9 1 16 167
32 Simulating roughed or run into 27 9 1 16 167
33 Blocking a free kicker 40 9 1 16 167
34 Continued participation without a helmet (first down) 38 9 1 17 168
35 Blind-side block (first down) 38 9 1 18 168
36 Unsportsmanlike conduct (first down) 27 9 2 1 169
37 Obscene or vulgar language 27 9 2 1 169
38 Persons illegally on the field 27 9 2 1 169
39 Provoking ill will 27 9 2 1 169
40 Player not returning ball to official 27 9 2 1 169
41 Persons leaving team area 27 9 2 1 170
42 Noise by persons subject to the rules 27 9 2 1 170
43 Concealing the ball 27 9 2 2 171
44 Simulated replacements or substitutions 27 9 2 2 171
45 Equipment to confuse opponents 27 9 2 2 171
46 Unusual action or verbiage to confuse opponents 27 9 2 2 171
47 Simulating injury to confuse opponents or officials 27 9 2 2 171
48 More than one player with same number 27 9 2 2 172
49 Intentionally contacting an official (also disqualification) 27, 47 9 2 4 174
50 Game administration interference (also 5 yards) 27,29 9 2 5 174
51 Physical interference with an official 27 9 2 5 174
52 Fighting (first down) (also disqualification) 27, 38, 47 9 5 1 180
1 If distance penalty exceeds half the distance (except on defensive pass interference) - 10 2 6 190
1 Defensive pass interference (if less than a 15-yard penalty) (first down) 33 7 3 8 144
1 Illegal jersey numbers 27 1 4 5 55
2 Not wearing mandatory equipment 23 1 4 8 58
3 Wearing illegal equipment 23 1 4 8 58
4 Head coach's conference 21 3 3 4 94
5 Head coach's review 21 12 2 1 192
1 Illegal touching of free kick by kicking team 16 6 1 3 117
2 Illegal touching of scrimmage kick by kicking team 16 6 3 2 121
3 Scrimmage-kick-batting exception 16 6 3 11 123
1 Prohibited signal devices 47 1 4 10 59
2 Eavesdropping 47 1 4 13 61
3 Flagrant fouls 47 9 1 1 158
4 Targeting/forcible contact with crown of helmet 38 9 1 3 159
5 Forcible contact to head/neck area of a defenseless player 38 9 1 4 159
6 Intentionally contacting an official 47 9 2 4 174
7 Two unsportsmanlike fouls 47 9 2 6 175
8 Fighting 47 9 5 1 180
9 Concussed player returns to game 47 13 1 4 199
1 Defensive pass interference 33 7 3 8 144
2 Defensive pass interference (if less than a 15-yard penalty) 33 7 3 8 144
3 Personal foul 38 9 1 0 158
4 Striking an opponent 38 9 1 2 158
5 Tripping 46 9 1 2 158
6 Targeting/forcible contact with crown of helmet (also disqualification) 24, 38, 47 9 1 3 159
7 Forcible contact to head/neck area of a defenseless player (also disqualification) 24, 38, 47 9 1 4 159
8 Clipping 39 9 1 5 161
9 Blocking below the waist 40 9 1 6 161
10 Late hit 38 9 1 7 163
11 Action out of bounds 38 9 1 7 163
12 Helmet/face mask fouls 38, 45 9 1 8 163
13 Roughing the passer 34 9 1 9 164
14 Chop blocking 41 9 1 10 164
15 Leverage/Leaping 38 9 1 11 165
16 Fouling an opponent obviously out of the play 38 9 1 12 165
17 Hurdling 38 9 1 13 165
18 Illegal contact against the snapper 38 9 1 14 166
19 Horse-collar tackle 25, 38 9 1 15 166
20 Roughing the kicker or holder 30, 38 9 1 16 167
21 Continued participation without a helmet 38 9 1 17 168
22 Blind-side block 38 9 1 18 168
23 Unsportsmanlike conduct 27 9 2 1 169
24 Illegal use of hands (defense) 42 9 3 4 177
25 Holding or obstruction (defense) 42 9 3 4 178
26 Fighting (also disqualification) 27, 38, 47 9 5 1 180
1 Penalty for unfair acts 27 9 2 3 173
1 Block below waist - 2 3 2 63
2 Block in the back - 2 3 4 63
3 Catch, recovery or interception not completed - 2 4 3 64
4 Ball accidentally touched rather than batted - 2 11 3 67
5 Ball not touched on kick or forward pass - 2 11 4 68
6 Ball is accidentally kicked (touched) - 2 16 1 69
7 Forward pass rather than backward pass - 2 19 2 72
8 Forward pass and not fumble - 2 19 2 72
9 It is a catchable forward pass - 2 19 4 73
10 A player is defenseless - 2 27 14 78
11 Stop clock for injured player - 3 3 5 94
12 Forward progress stopped - 4 1 3 107
13 Kick-catch interference - 6 4 1 126
14 It is a catchable forward pass - 7 3 8 143
15 Touchback rather than safety - 8 5 1 154
16 Twisting, turning or pulling face mask (helmet opening) - 9 1 8 163
17 Roughing kicker rather than running into - 9 1 16 167
1 Coaches agree to play without goals - 1 2 5 47
2 Field surface improvement required - 1 2 9 50
3 Playing time shortened due to darkness - 3 2 1 85
4 Persons removed from the field - 9 2 7 175
5 Any appointed official not present or is incapacitated - 13 5 5 206
6 Hazardous weather conditions - 13 5 6 206
7 Game forfeit, cancelled or abandoned - 13 5 9 207
8 Game suspended for more than 5 minutes - 13 5 9 207
1 Field markings below full standards - 1 2 1 44
2 Field of play not a multiple of 10 yards in length - 1 2 1 45
3 Field of play not 160 feet in width - 1 2 1 45
4 White field markings closer than 4 feet to an end zone line - 1 2 1 45
5 Absence of nine-yard marks if the field is not numbered according to Rule 1-2-1-j - 1 2 1 45
6 Limit lines below full standards - 1 2 3 45
7 Game management fail to enforce rule regarding persons outside the team area - 1 2 3 45
8 Limit lines closer than six feet to any boundary line - 1 2 3 45
9 Team area and coaching box infractions - 1 2 4 46
10 Absence of coaching line, team area markings, or team area not marked to 20-yard lines - 1 2 4 46
11 Media personnel in team area or coaching box - 1 2 4 46
12 Persons in team area not wearing proper credentials - 1 2 4 46
13 Game management failure to remove unauthorised persons from team area - 1 2 4 46
14 Practice kicking nets outside the team area (except where permitted) - 1 2 4 46
15 Goals below full standards - 1 2 5 47
16 Uprights less than 20 feet in height - 1 2 5 47
17 Crossbar not 10 feet above ground - 1 2 5 47
18 Goal not 18 feet six inches wide - 1 2 5 47
19 Goal not in plane of end line - 1 2 5 47
20 Decorative material on the posts or crossbar (other than streamers) - 1 2 5 47
21 One or both goals missing or taken down - 1 2 5 47
22 Illegal pylons that had to be removed - 1 2 6 48
23 Line-to-gain or down indicator below full standards - 1 2 7 49
24 Rods not of minimum height or not with flat ends - 1 2 7 49
25 Repeated breakages of the line-to-gain or down indicators - 1 2 7 49
26 Failure to provide line-to-gain or down indicators - 1 2 7 49
27 Markers that are not constructed and/or placed to avoid hazard and had to be removed - 1 2 8 49
28 Balls below full standards - 1 3 2 52
29 Home team provides fewer than three legal balls - 1 3 2 52
30 No towels are provided when conditions warrant it - 1 3 2 52
31 Balls do not have white stripes - 1 3 2 52
32 Teams not wearing contrasting colour jerseys - 1 4 5 55
33 Players of a team not wearing jerseys of the same colour and design - 1 4 5 55
34 Prohibited field equipment used - 1 4 11 60
35 Prohibited media equipment used - 1 4 11 60
36 Artificial sound amplification used - 1 4 11 60
37 Recording opponent's signals - 1 4 11 60
38 Drone inside the playing enclosure - 1 4 11 60
39 Changing room not provided, not separate, not large enough, or without appropriate seating - 13 2 1 199
40 Changing room unreasonably dirty, cold, wet or noisy - 13 2 1 199
41 Visiting team not given higher standard changing facilities - 13 2 1 200
42 Changing rooms not secured - 13 2 2 200
43 Stadium clock malfunctions - 13 3 3 201
44 Stadium clock operator is inadequate - 13 3 3 201
45 Officials' assistants provided later than 30 minutes before kickoff - 13 4 1 203
46 Officials' assistants changed during the game - 13 4 1 203
47 Unauthorised access to officials' changing room - 13 6 1 207
48 Infractions by public address announcers - 13 6 2 207
1 Field markings do not meet minimum standards - 1 2 1 44
2 In 2024 (NL Premier only), Field length less than 90 yards or more than 100 yards - 1 2 1 44
3 (other divisions), Field length less than 80 yards or more than 100 yards - 1 2 1 44
4 In 2025 (all NL divisions), Field length less than 90 yards or more than 100 yards - 1 2 1 44
5 (other divisions), Field length less than 80 yards or more than 100 yards - 1 2 1 44
6 In 2026 (all adult football, including BUCS league), Field length less than 90 yards or more than 100 yards - 1 2 1 44
7 Field width less than 144 feet or more than 176 feet - 1 2 1 44
8 End zone depth less than 7 yards or more than 13 yards - 1 2 1 44
9 End zones not of equal size - 1 2 1 44
10 Either sideline incomplete - 1 2 1 44
11 Any goal line or end line incomplete - 1 2 1 44
12 Any yard line across the field every 5 yards incomplete - 1 2 1 44
13 Short yard-line extensions at the hash marks incomplete - 1 2 1 44
14 Short yard-line extensions at the sideline incomplete - 1 2 1 44
15 Goal posts inbounds - 1 2 5 46
16 Padding on goal posts absent or less than six feet in height - 1 2 5 47
17 Prohibited field surface - 1 2 9 50
18 Trip hazard(s) - 1 2 9 50
19 Markings or facilities inadequate for game to proceed - 1 2 9 50
20 Minimum medical requirements not met - 13 1 2 198
21 Any officials' assistant under age 14 - 13 4 1 203
22 Fewer than 5 officials' assistants provided - 13 4 1 203
23 Circumstances do not permit play to proceed - 13 5 1 204
24 Start of game delayed - 13 5 3 205
25 Field not ready for play - 13 5 4 205
26 Fewer than three persons who meet the officiating requirement (game management reason) - 13 5 5 205
27 Fewer than three persons who meet the officiating requirement (BAFRA reason) - 13 5 5 205
28 BAFA game requirements not met - 13 8 6 210

Summary of foul codes

Alphabetically by code:

Code Foul
APS Altering playing surface
ATR Assisting the runner
BAT Illegal batting
DEH Holding, defense
DOD Delay of game, defense
DOF Offside, defense
DOG Delay of game, offense
DPI-AB Pass interference, defense, arm bar
DPI-CO Pass interference, defense, cut off
DPI-GR Pass interference, defense, grab and restrict
DPI-HT Pass interference, defense, hook and turn
DPI-NPB Pass interference, defense, not playing the ball
DPI-PTO Pass interference, defense, playing through opponent
DSH Delay of game, start of half
DSQ Disqualification
ENC Encroachment (offense)
FGT Fighting
FST False start
IBB Illegal block in the back
IBK Illegal block during kick
IBP Illegal backward pass
IDP Ineligible downfield on pass
IFD Illegal formation, defense (3-on-1)
IFH Illegal forward handing
IFK Illegal free kick formation
IFP Illegal forward pass
IKB Illegally kicking ball
ILF Illegal formation
ILM Illegal motion
ING Intentional grounding
IPN Improper numbering
IPR Illegal procedure
ISH Illegal shift
ISP Illegal snap
ITP Illegal touching of a forward pass
IUH Illegal use of hands
IWK Illegal wedge on kickoff
KCI Kick-catch interference
KIK Illegal kick
KOB Free kick out of bounds
OBK Out of bounds during kick
OFH-GR Holding, offense, grab and restrict
OFH-HR Holding, offense, hook and restrict
OFH-TD Holding, offense, takedown
OFK Offside, free kick
OPI-BK Pass interference, offense, blocking
OPI-DT Pass interference, offense, driving through
OPI-PK Pass interference, offense, pick
OPI-PO Pass interference, offense, pushing off
PF-BBW Personal foul, blocking below the waist
PF-BOB Personal foul, blocking out of bounds
PF-BSB Personal foul, blind-side block
PF-BTH Personal foul, blow to the head
PF-CHB Personal foul, chop block
PF-CLP Personal foul, clipping
PF-FMM Personal foul, face mask
PF-HCT Personal foul, horse collar tackle
PF-HDR Personal foul, hit on defenseless receiver
PF-HTF Personal foul, hands to the face
PF-HUR Personal foul, hurdling
PF-ICS Personal foul, illegal contact with snapper
PF-LEA Personal foul, leaping
PF-LHP Personal foul, late hit/piling on
PF-LTO Personal foul, late hit out of bounds
PF-OTH Personal foul, other
PF-RFK Personal foul, roughing free kicker
PF-RTH Personal foul, roughing the holder
PF-RTK Personal foul, roughing the kicker
PF-RTP Personal foul, roughing the passer
PF-SKE Personal foul, striking/kneeing/elbowing
PF-TGB Personal foul, targeting (both Rules 9-1-3 and 4)
PF-TGC Personal foul, targeting (crown of helmet)
PF-TGD Personal foul, targeting (defenseless player)
PF-TRP Personal foul, tripping
PF-UNR Personal foul, unnecessary roughness
RNH Running into the holder
RNK Running into the kicker
SLI Sideline interference, 5 yards
SLM Sideline interference, 15 yards
SLW Sideline interference, warning
SUB Illegal substitution
UC-2PN Unsportsmanlike conduct, two players with same number
UC-ABL Unsportsmanlike conduct, abusive language
UC-BCH Unsportsmanlike conduct, bench
UC-DBS Unsportsmanlike conduct, dead ball shoving
UC-DEA Unsportsmanlike conduct, delayed/excessive act
UC-FCO Unsportsmanlike conduct, forcibly contacting an official
UC-RHT Unsportsmanlike conduct, removal of helmet
UC-SBR Unsportsmanlike conduct, simulating being roughed
UC-STB Unsportsmanlike conduct, spiking/throwing ball
UC-TAU Unsportsmanlike conduct, taunting/baiting
UC-UNS Unsportsmanlike conduct, other
UFA Unfair acts
UFT Unfair tactics

Alphabetically by foul:

Code Foul
APS Altering playing surface
ATR Assisting the runner
DOD Delay of game, defense
DOG Delay of game, offense
DSH Delay of game, start of half
DSQ Disqualification
ENC Encroachment (offense)
FST False start
FGT Fighting
KOB Free kick out of bounds
DEH Holding, defense
OFH-GR Holding, offense, grab and restrict
OFH-HR Holding, offense, hook and restrict
OFH-TD Holding, offense, takedown
IBP Illegal backward pass
BAT Illegal batting
IBK Illegal block during kick
IBB Illegal block in the back
ILF Illegal formation
IFD Illegal formation, defense (3-on-1)
IFH Illegal forward handing
IFP Illegal forward pass
IFK Illegal free kick formation
KIK Illegal kick
IKB Illegally kicking ball
ILM Illegal motion
IPR Illegal procedure
ISH Illegal shift
ISP Illegal snap
SUB Illegal substitution
ITP Illegal touching of a forward pass
IUH Illegal use of hands
IWK Illegal wedge on kickoff
IPN Improper numbering
IDP Ineligible downfield on pass
ING Intentional grounding
KCI Kick-catch interference
DOF Offside, defense
OFK Offside, free kick
OBK Out of bounds during kick
DPI-AB Pass interference, defense, arm bar
DPI-CO Pass interference, defense, cut off
DPI-GR Pass interference, defense, grab and restrict
DPI-HT Pass interference, defense, hook and turn
DPI-NPB Pass interference, defense, not playing the ball
DPI-PTO Pass interference, defense, playing through opponent
OPI-BK Pass interference, offense, blocking
OPI-DT Pass interference, offense, driving through
OPI-PK Pass interference, offense, pick
OPI-PO Pass interference, offense, pushing off
PF-BSB Personal foul, blind-side block
PF-BBW Personal foul, blocking below the waist
PF-BOB Personal foul, blocking out of bounds
PF-BTH Personal foul, blow to the head
PF-CHB Personal foul, chop block
PF-CLP Personal foul, clipping
PF-FMM Personal foul, face mask
PF-HTF Personal foul, hands to the face
PF-HDR Personal foul, hit on defenseless receiver
PF-HCT Personal foul, horse collar tackle
PF-HUR Personal foul, hurdling
PF-ICS Personal foul, illegal contact with snapper
PF-LTO Personal foul, late hit out of bounds
PF-LHP Personal foul, late hit/piling on
PF-LEA Personal foul, leaping
PF-OTH Personal foul, other
PF-RFK Personal foul, roughing free kicker
PF-RTH Personal foul, roughing the holder
PF-RTK Personal foul, roughing the kicker
PF-RTP Personal foul, roughing the passer
PF-SKE Personal foul, striking/kneeing/elbowing
PF-TGB Personal foul, targeting (both Rules 9-1-3 and 4)
PF-TGC Personal foul, targeting (crown of helmet)
PF-TGD Personal foul, targeting (defenseless player)
PF-TRP Personal foul, tripping
PF-UNR Personal foul, unnecessary roughness
RNH Running into the holder
RNK Running into the kicker
SLI Sideline interference, 5 yards
SLM Sideline interference, 15 yards
SLW Sideline interference, warning
UFA Unfair acts
UFT Unfair tactics
UC-ABL Unsportsmanlike conduct, abusive language
UC-BCH Unsportsmanlike conduct, bench
UC-DBS Unsportsmanlike conduct, dead ball shoving
UC-DEA Unsportsmanlike conduct, delayed/excessive act
UC-FCO Unsportsmanlike conduct, forcibly contacting an official
UC-UNS Unsportsmanlike conduct, other
UC-RHT Unsportsmanlike conduct, removal of helmet
UC-SBR Unsportsmanlike conduct, simulating being roughed
UC-STB Unsportsmanlike conduct, spiking/throwing ball
UC-TAU Unsportsmanlike conduct, taunting/baiting
UC-2PN Unsportsmanlike conduct, two players with same number

Next chapter

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Editor: Jim Briggs, BAFA/BAFRA Rules Committee