25-Second Clock (Timing Devices) 54 25-Second Count (Ball in Play - Dead Ball) 72 30-second clock (5 on 5 flag football) 169 30-second clock (5 on 5 football) 165 Access to Officials (Miscellaneous) 159 Administration and Enforcement (The Ball) 28 After the Ball is Snapped (Backward Pass and Fumble) 97 All Become Eligible (Scrimmage Kicks) 84 Approved Ruling and Officials' Signals 39 At Rest (Backward Pass and Fumble) 98 Authority for leagues to impose sanctions (Sanctions) 159 Backward passes and hand offs (5 on 5 football) 166 Backwards passes and hand offs (5 on 5 flag football) 170 Ball Declared Dead (Ball in Play - Dead Ball) 70 Ball Out of Bounds (Out of Bounds) 72 Ball Ready for Play (Ball in Play - Dead Ball) 71 Basic Spot (Spots) 51 Batting a Backward Pass (Batting and Kicking) 133 Batting a Loose Ball (Batting and Kicking) 132 Batting Ball in Possession (Batting and Kicking) 133 Batting (Fumbling, Muffing, Touching, Batting or Blocking a Kick) 43 Behind the Neutral Zone (Scrimmage Kicks) 83 Belongs To (The Ball: Live, Dead, Loose) 40 Below Waist (Blocking) 41 Beyond the Neutral Zone (Scrimmage Kicks) 83 Blocking a Scrimmage Kick (Fumbling, Muffing, Touching, Batting or Blocking a Kick) 44 Blocking Below the Waist (replacement for rule 9-1-2-e) (Youth Football) 163 Blocking (Blocking) 41 Block in the Back (Blocking) 42 Catchable Forward Pass (Passes) 48 Catch, Interception, Recovery (The Ball: Live, Dead, Loose) 40 Catch or Recovery by Kicking Team (Scrimmage Kicks) 85 Catch or Recovery by Receiving Team (Scrimmage Kicks) 85 Caught or Recovered (Backward Pass and Fumble) 97 Ceremonies (Miscellaneous) 159 Changing Rooms (Changing Facilities) 152 Charged Team Timeouts (Timeouts) 64 Chop Block (Blocking) 41 Clipping 42 Coaches' Certification (Players and Playing Equipment) 35 Coaches' Phones (Players and Playing Equipment) 37 Completed Pass (Forward Pass) 101 Contacting an Official (Noncontact Fouls) 128 Contact Interference (Forward Pass) 105 Continuity of Downs Broken (A Series: Started, Broken, Renewed) 75 Contrasting Colours (Players and Playing Equipment) 31 Criterion for Reversal (Reversing an On-Field Ruling) 151 Crosses Neutral Zone (Passes) 48 Dead Ball Becomes Alive (Ball in Play - Dead Ball) 70 Dead-Ball Fouls (Penalties Completed) 137 Dead-Ball Spot (Spots) 50 Dead Ball (The Ball: Live, Dead, Loose) 39 Dead Where Caught (Fair Catch) 88 Defensive Team Requirements (The Scrimmage) 95 Definition (Definition) 148 Definition of coach (Amendments to NCAA Rules for British games) 162 Delaying the Start of a Half (Delays) 67 Delay of game (5 on 5 flag football) 170 Delay of game (5 on 5 football) 166 Deliberate Dead-Ball Advance 42 Dimensions (The Field) 22 Disciplinary Action (Disciplinary Code) 14 Disciplinary Principles (Disciplinary Code) 14 Disqualified Player (Team and Player Designations) 53 Down and Between Downs 42 Downs (5 on 5 flag football) 170 Downs (5 on 5 football) 166 Drop Kick (Kicks) 45 During Live Ball (Backward Pass and Fumble) 97 Eligibility Gained or Regained (Forward Pass) 100 Eligibility Lost by Going Out of Bounds (Forward Pass) 100 Eligibility to touch a forward pass (5 on 5 flag football) 170 Eligibility to touch a forward pass (5 on 5 football) 166 Eligibility to Touch Legal Pass (Forward Pass) 100 Encroachment (Encroachment and Offside) 47 End Zones (Field Areas) 55 Enforcement spots (5 on 5 flag football) 171 Enforcement spots (5 on 5 football) 167 Enforcement Spot (Spots) 49 Equipment (Instant Replay Personnel, Equipment and Location) 149 Extension of Periods (Playing Time and Intermissions) 60 Extra Periods (Start of Each Period) 56 Fair Catch (Fair Catch) 42 Field Goal Attempt (Kicks) 46 Field of Play (Field Areas) 55 Field Surface (The Field) 27 Fighting 134, 55 First and Third Periods (Start of Each Period) 56 Flagrant Fouls (Personal and Interference Fouls) 118 Forced Touching Disregarded (Free Kicks) 81 Forced Touching Disregarded (Scrimmage Kicks) 84 Forfeited Games (Value of Scores) 108 Forward and Backward Pass (Passes) 47 Forward, Beyond (Forward, Beyond and Forward Progress) 43 Forward passes (5 on 5 flag football) 170 Forward passes (5 on 5 football) 166 Forward Pass Play (Play Classification) 54 Forward Progress (A Series: Started, Broken, Renewed) 74 Forward Progress (Forward, Beyond and Forward Progress) 43 Foul After Change of Team Possession (Down and Possession After a Penalty) 76 Foul and Violation 43 Foul Before Change of Team Possession (Down and Possession After a Penalty) 76 Foul Between Downs (Down and Possession After a Penalty) 77 Foul Between Series (Down and Possession After a Penalty) 77 Foul During Free Kick Down (Down and Possession After a Penalty) 76 Fouls After a Try (Try Down) 112 Fouls by Both Teams (Down and Possession After a Penalty) 78 Fouls During a Loose Ball (Down and Possession After a Penalty) 78 Fouls During a Try After a Change of Team Possession (Try Down) 112 Fouls During a Try Before a Change of Team Possession (Try Down) 111 Frame (of the Body) (Blocking) 42 Free Kick at Rest (Free Kicks) 81 Free Kick Caught or Recovered (Free Kicks) 81 Free Kick Formation (exception to Rule 6-1-2-c) (Youth Football) 163 Free Kick Formation (Free Kicks) 79 Free Kick (Kicks) 46 Free Kick Play (Play Classification) 54 Free Kick Recovery (Free Kicks) 80 Fumble (Fumbling, Muffing, Touching, Batting or Blocking a Kick) 43 Game Administration Interference (Personal and Interference Fouls) 125 Game clock (5 on 5 flag football) 169 Game clock (5 on 5 football) 165 Game Clock (Timing Devices) 54 Game Management (Cancellation, Suspension and Abandonment of Games) 157 Game Stop (Initiating the Replay Process) 150 Game Supervision (Cancellation, Suspension and Abandonment of Games) 157 General principle (5 on 5 flag football) 168 General principle (5 on 5 football) 164 General Principle (Cancellation, Suspension and Abandonment of Games) 156 General Principle (Youth Football) 163 Goal Lines (General Provisions) 21 Goal Lines (Lines) 44 Goals (5 on 5 flag football) 168 Goals (5 on 5 football) 164 Goals (exception to Rule 1-2-5-f) (Youth Football) 163 Goals (The Field) 25 Half-Distance Enforcement Procedures (Enforcement Procedures) 146 Handing the Ball 45 Handing the Ball Forward (The Scrimmage) 96 Held Ball Out of Bounds (Out of Bounds) 72 How and When Completed (Penalties Completed) 135 How Charged (Timeouts) 62 How Scored (Field Goal) 112 How Scored (Safety) 113 How Scored (Touchdown) 108 How Scored (Try Down) 109 Huddle 45 Hurdling 45 Illegal Block or Contact (Fair Catch) 89 Illegal Contact and Pass Interference (Forward Pass) 102 Illegal Delay of the Game (Delays) 67 Illegal equipment (5 on 5 flag football) 169 Illegal Equipment (Players and Playing Equipment) 33 Illegal Forward Pass (Forward Pass) 98 Illegal Interference (Personal and Interference Fouls) 124 Illegally Kicking a Ball (Batting and Kicking) 133 Illegal Touching (Forward Pass) 107 Inbounds Lines (Hash Marks) (Lines) 44 Inbounds Spot (Spots) 50 Incident Reports (Disciplinary Code) 13 Incompleted Pass (Forward Pass) 102 Ineligibles Downfield (Forward Pass) 106 Initial Impetus (Responsibility and Impetus) 116 Injury Timeout (Timeouts) 65 In Possession (The Ball: Live, Dead, Loose) 40 Instructions to Stadium 25-second Clock Operators (Stadium Clocks) 154 Instructions to Stadium Game Clock Operators (Stadium Clocks) 154 Interference with Opportunity (Opportunity to Catch a Kick) 86 Interfering for or Helping the Runner (Blocking, Use of Hand and Arm) 128 Interval Fouls (Penalties Completed) 138 Invalid Signal (Fair Catch) 43 Invalid Signals (Fair Catch) 89 Kick After Safety (Safety) 115 Kicker and Holder (Team and Player Designations) 52 Kicking Team (Free Kick Out of Bounds) 81 Kickoff (Kicks) 46 Kicks (5 on 5 flag football) 169 Kicks (5 on 5 football) 165 League Notification (Cancellation, Suspension and Abandonment of Games) 158 Legal and Illegal Kicks (Kicks) 45 Legal and Illegal Kicks (Scrimmage Kicks) 86 Legal Forward Pass (Forward Pass) 98 Legal Substitutions (Substitutions) 68 Length of Periods (amendment to rule 3-2-1) (Youth Football) 163 Length of Periods and Intermissions (Amendments to NCAA Rules for British games) 161 Length of Periods and Intermissions (Playing Time and Intermissions) 59 Length of Timeouts (Timeouts) 66 Liaison with Game Personnel (Game Personnel) 156 Limit Lines (The Field) 23 Lineman and Back (Team and Player Designations) 52 Line to gain (5 on 5 flag football) 168 Line to gain (5 on 5 football) 164 Line-to-Gain and Down Indicators (The Field) 26 Line to Gain (A Series: Started, Broken, Renewed) 74 Live Ball Becomes Dead (Ball in Play - Dead Ball) 70 Live-Ball - Dead-Ball Fouls (Penalties Completed) 138 Live-Ball Fouls by the Same Team (Penalties Completed) 135 Live Ball (The Ball: Live, Dead, Loose) 39 Location (Instant Replay Personnel, Equipment and Location) 149 Loose Ball (The Ball: Live, Dead, Loose) 39 Loose Behind the Goal Line (Scrimmage Kicks) 86 Loss of a Down 47 Mandatory and Illegal Equipment Enforcement (Players and Playing Equipment) 35 Mandatory equipment (5 on 5 flag football) 168 Mandatory Equipment (Players and Playing Equipment) 32 Markers and Obstructions (The Field) 27 Marking Balls (The Ball) 29 Marking Boundary Areas (The Field) 23 Medical Requirement Administration (Medical Provision) 38 Minimum Medical Requirements (Medical Provision) 37 Minimum Standards for 25-second Clocks (Stadium Clocks) 153 Minimum Standards for Game Clocks (Stadium Clocks) 152 Miscellaneous (Reviewable Plays) 149 Muff (Fumbling, Muffing, Touching, Batting or Blocking a Kick) 43 Next Play (Field Goal) 112 Next Play (Try Down) 112 Nine-Yard Marks (Lines) 45 No Advance (Fair Catch) 88 No Tackling (Fair Catch) 90 Not Outside an Inbounds Line (The Scrimmage) 91 Numbering and formations (5 on 5 flag football) 170 Numbering and formations (5 on 5 football) 166 Offensive and Defensive Teams (Team and Player Designations) 52 Offensive Team Requirements (exception to Rule 7-1-3-b-1) (Youth Football) 163 Offensive Team Requirements (The Scrimmage) 91 Officials' Assistants (Game Personnel) 154 Offsetting Fouls (Penalties Completed) 135 Offside (Encroachment and Offside) 47 Opportunity to Score (Try Down) 109 Out of Bounds at Forward Point (Out of Bounds) 73 Out of Bounds (Backward Pass and Fumble) 98 Out of Bounds Behind Goal Line (Scrimmage Kicks) 85 Out of Bounds Between Goal Lines or at Rest Inbounds (Scrimmage Kicks) 85 Out of Bounds Lines (Lines) 44 Out of Bounds Player (Scrimmage Kicks) 86 Out-of-Bounds Spot (Spots) 50 Overtime (5 on 5 flag football) 169 Overtime (5 on 5 football) 165 Participation (Eligibility for Instant Replay) 148 Passer (Team and Player Designations) 53 Passes (Reviewable Plays) 148 Passing (Passes) 47 Penalties (5 on 5 flag football) 171 Penalties (5 on 5 football) 167 Penalty 48 Penalty administration (5 on 5 flag football) 171 Penalty administration (5 on 5 football) 167 Penalty Declined (Down and Possession After a Penalty) 77 Penalty Resulting in First Down (Down and Possession After a Penalty) 76 Personal fouls (5 on 5 flag football) 171 Personal fouls (5 on 5 football) 167 Personnel (Instant Replay Personnel, Equipment and Location) 149 Persons Subject to the Rules (General Provisions) 22 Persons Subject to the Rules Restrictions (addition to Rule 9-1-2) (Youth Football) 164 Persons Subject to the Rules Restrictions (Personal and Interference Fouls) 118 Place Kick (Kicks) 46 Planned Loose Ball (The Scrimmage) 96 Player Out of Bounds (Out of Bounds) 72 Player Restrictions (Blocking, Use of Hand and Arm) 132 Players and playing equipment (5 on 5 flag football) 168 Players and playing equipment (5 on 5 football) 165 Player's Numbering (Players and Playing Equipment) 30 Player (Team and Player Designations) 53 Player Vacancy (Team and Player Designations) 53 Playing Enclosure (Field Areas) 55 Playing Surface (Field Areas) 55 Playing time (5 on 5 flag football) 169 Playing time (5 on 5 football) 165 Plays Not Reviewable (Reviewable Plays) 149 Possible sanctions (Sanctions) 160 Postscrimmage Kick Spot (Spots) 51 Previous Spot (Spots) 49 Procedure for Delaying the Start of a Game (Cancellation, Suspension and Abandonment of Games) 158 Procedure for Suspending the Game (Cancellation, Suspension and Abandonment of Games) 158 Procedures (Enforcement Procedures) 140 Procedures for Operating 25-second Clocks (Stadium Clocks) 154 Procedures for Operating Game Clocks (Stadium Clocks) 153 Procedures (Reviewing an On-field Ruling) 151 Prohibited Field Equipment (Players and Playing Equipment) 36 Prohibited Signal Devices (Players and Playing Equipment) 36 Public Address Announcers (Miscellaneous) 159 Punt (Kicks) 45 Putting the ball in play (5 on 5 flag football) 170 Putting the ball in play (5 on 5 football) 166 Pylons (The Field) 26 Receiving Team (Free Kick Out of Bounds) 82 Recommended Numbering (Players and Playing Equipment) 30 Referee's Discretionary Timeout (Timeouts) 63 Referee's Notification (Timeouts) 66 Removing persons from the field (Amendments to NCAA Rules for British games) 161 Replaced Player (Team and Player Designations) 53 Responsibility (Responsibility and Impetus) 116 Restraining Lines (Free Kicks) 79 Restraining Lines (Lines) 44 Restrictions on players (5 on 5 flag football) 171 Return Kick (Kicks) 46 Rosters (Disciplinary Code) 13 Roughing or Running into Kicker or Holder (Personal and Interference Fouls) 123 Rules Decisions Final (Down and Possession After a Penalty) 78 Runner (Team and Player Designations) 53 Running Play (Play Classification) 54 Running the football (5 on 5 football) 166 Scope and Registration (Disciplinary Code) 13 Scoring (5 on 5 flag football) 170 Scoring (5 on 5 football) 166 Scoring Plays (amendment to rule 8-1-1) (Youth Football) 163 Scoring Plays (Value of Scores) 108 Scrimmage Kick Formation (Kicks) 46 Scrimmage Kick (Kicks) 46 Scrimmage Kick Play and Field Goal Play (Play Classification) 54 Scrimmage Line (Scrimmage) 48 Scrimmage (Scrimmage) 48 Second and Fourth Periods (Start of Each Period) 56 Security and Access (Changing Facilities) 152 Shift 49 Shifts and False Starts (The Scrimmage) 94 Side Line, Goal Line, End Line (Reviewable Plays) 148 Simultaneous Catch or Recovery (The Ball: Live, Dead, Loose) 41 Simultaneous with Snap (Penalties Completed) 135 Snap After a Touchback (Touchback) 115 Snapper (Team and Player Designations) 53 Snapping the Ball 49 Spearing 49 Specifications (The Ball) 28 Sportsmanship (5 on 5 flag football) 171 Sportsmanship (5 on 5 football) 167 Spot of the Foul (Spots) 50 Spots (Enforcement Procedures) 140 Spot Where Kick Ends (Spots) 50 Spot Where Run Ends (Spots) 50 Squad Member (Team and Player Designations) 53 Starting with a Snap (The Scrimmage) 91 Start of each half (5 on 5 flag football) 169 Start of each half (5 on 5 football) 165 Status of the BAFA Disciplinary Code (Amendments to NCAA Rules for British games) 160 Stewards (Game Personnel) 156 Substitute (Team and Player Designations) 53 Substitution Procedures (Substitutions) 68 Succeeding Spot (Spots) 50 Supervision (5 on 5 flag football) 168 Supervision (5 on 5 football) 164 Supervision (General Provisions) 21 Tackling 52 Team Area and Coaching Box (The Field) 24 Team Arrival (Cancellation, Suspension and Abandonment of Games) 156 Team Captains (General Provisions) 21 Teams A and B (Team and Player Designations) 52 Teams Subject to the Rules (General Provisions) 22 Terms and Conditions 183 The ball (5 on 5 flag football) 168 The ball (5 on 5 football) 164 The field (5 on 5 flag football) 168 The field (5 on 5 football) 164 The Field (Cancellation, Suspension and Abandonment of Games) 157 The Field (Field Areas) 55 The game (5 on 5 flag football) 168 The game (5 on 5 football) 164 The Game (General Provisions) 21 The Neutral Zone 47 Tiebreaker procedures (Amendments to NCAA Rules for British games) 161 Timeouts (5 on 5 flag football) 169 Timeouts (5 on 5 football) 165 Timeout (Timeouts) 62 Time Restrictions (Reviewing an On-field Ruling) 151 Timing Adjustments (Playing Time and Intermissions) 59 Timing devices (Amendments to NCAA Rules for British games) 162 Timing Devices (Playing Time and Intermissions) 60 Touching (Fumbling, Muffing, Touching, Batting or Blocking a Kick) 44 Touching Ground On or Behind Goal Line (Free Kicks) 81 Touching Ground On or Behind Goal Line (Scrimmage Kicks) 85 Tripping 54 Tripping (exception to Rules 2-28-1 and 9-1-2-c) (Youth Football) 164 Unfair Acts (Noncontact Fouls) 128 Unfair Game Clock Tactics (Delays) 67 Unfair Tactics (Noncontact Fouls) 127 Unsportsmanlike Acts (Noncontact Fouls) 125 Use of Hand or Arm by Offense (Blocking, Use of Hand and Arm) 129 Use of Hands or Arms by Defense (Blocking, Use of Hand and Arm) 131 Valid Signal (Fair Catch) 43 Violation Timeouts (Timeouts) 66 Water Carriers (Game Personnel) 155 Weather (Cancellation, Suspension and Abandonment of Games) 157 When Ball is Loose (Blocking, Use of Hand and Arm) 132 When Ball is Ready for Play (The Ball: Live, Dead, Loose) 39 When Clock Starts (Playing Time and Intermissions) 61 When Clock Stops (Playing Time and Intermissions) 62 When Declared (Touchback) 115 When to Award Series (A Series: Started, Broken, Renewed) 74 When to Stop a Game (Initiating the Replay Process) 150 Who May Block (Blocking, Use of Hand and Arm) 128 Winning Team and Final Score (General Provisions) 21 Yard Lines (Lines) 44
Editor: Jim Briggs, BAFA/BAFRA Rules Committee